I had an enquiry from one Kl customer that asked if I can do cakes and cupcakes as thank you gift for their guests. The event is for Kaylen's (her daughter) 1st Birthday party. After many emails correspondences, I proposed to do a Bear theme and suggested to do a 3D bear cake for the main cake (I saw the bear design in the Debbie Brown book) as the lil girl loves bear , fish, butterfly etc..
I remembered the night before while starting to do the 3D bear, everything seemed to go wrong. Yes almost everything!!! At first, the cake got stucked on its dome cake pan, luckily the body of the bear (the big part) got out allright , just a bit of dent on the side but the smaller cake pan (which was for the head part) was stuck and it broke in the middle (and i did grease the pan properly!!! what gone wrong???) I nearly cried that instance and was soo frustrated as its already late.. but luckily there still some leftover batter, but its only enough to do half the size of the head (filled only half the cake pan) Sigh.. so what can one do in this sticky situation??? Correct ~ "IMPROVISE" !!!! (im quite good at improvisation btw.. hehee.. ) , I mean, theres no point crying over the spilled milk right?? whats done is done so the only way is to fix it.. so yeah.. after some breathing exercise (as i was feeling veryy stressed then and panicky too.. hehe.. silly me..) I managed to calm myself down and try to stick the two cakes together.. so yeah..a lot of cutting this and buttering that action.. finally I have my not so round dome head for the bear.. oh well.. its better than nothing.. just that i have to do some buttering.. and im really not good at it..
The other thing was, to cover the cake and trying to make it super smooth was another problem as the cake wasnt 100% round in the beginning, so at this stage, I pretty much regretted on doing this 3D cake design.. (my oh my.. what did i get myself into I thought ....).. but the clock was ticking so i told myself.. "no turning back, just make do as I still have 32 naked cupcakes to be decor and thomas and friends cupcakes set..... so yeah, thinking "Ill deal with the rest later and just try my best for now... and hahahha.. finally.. the cake was done..and it doesnt look that bad at all .. (Confidence restored!!! *super Grin*) Hooray.. but wait..!!! my bear still legless and handless.. another problem to be solved.. luckily i baked extra cupcakes..so problem solved.. used 2 cupcakes (joined together) as one leg but yeah.. again.. errrr.. hate buttering the cake.. (im really not pleased with the leg, have to really improve on this)... but at least my bear was no more leglesss.. hehehe but yeah.. loveddd the end result.. and hahah guess this not gonna be my first and last 3D cake after all!!! *Giggles*...

The Cupcake in its secured dome packaging before being put in a favour box..
The 4 Different Bear Cupcakes Design

The Perfect 'Thank You Gift' for your guest ~ whether as a party favour for birthday or Wedding perhaps?? *wink* ;)